Other Projects
This page contains projects that I plan on creating dedicated pages for in the future. These projects are proof of my work, skills, and expertise. If you would like more details on these projects, feel free to contact me about them.
Remember Acid Rain?
It’s Already Been Solved.
Data Visualization Poster
As part of the “INF1005: Best Practices in Data Visualization” course, the final assignment was to create a poster using a dataset of our choice. My poster’s dataset is based on the Montreal Protocol, one of the few examples of global cooperation in successfully combating climate change. Using the datasets provided by the United Nations and after researching each of the different conventions, I wanted to show the viewer how the world slowly reduced its reliance on ozone-depleting substances. It was not just all at once, it was a gradual change that accounted for the circumstances for both Global North and South countries.

Prepr’s Skills for Success Program
Branding Toolkit
One of my major projects while working at Prepr as a content coordinator was designing the branding of Prepr’s Skills for Success(SFS) program. The SFS program was an initiative funded by the Canadian government to help train both job-seekers and employees in important career skills such as communication, numeracy, writing, etc.
Alongside two other designers, we were tasked with designing the branding for the program and creating a toolkit which future Prepr designers can use to create media assets like social media posts or brochures. We themed the program around exploration based on old travel posters and accessories. My main contributions to the branding were the logo and the stickers used to showcase each of the major skills the program revolved around. In addition, I also created the banners used on the PreprLabs platform and brochures for the marketing team.